Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Steve Gets an A+!

Quite a full day today.  It started off with a rockstar parking spot, even better than handicapped!  Sharon R., Bing Crosby, in case you were wondering.

Clinic was running late and we waited a long time.  A lot of news today, here we go:  
  • Altman and Dr. Salem (Director of Interventional Radiology) conferred about Steve's CT results from last Wednesday and Dr. Salem feels the two splenic embolizations have achieved the maximum result possible from that type of procedure. 
  • Steve did NOT have a bone marrow biopsy today.  We don't think she is in a big hurry to look into the marrow unless his lab numbers stay flat or go down.  Such is not the case at this time.
  • His weight was UP again to 162 from 154 last week, hooray!
  • His hemoglobin went up to 7.2 from 6.4 yesterday.  He did have a unit of reds at Christ this afternoon.  He had gone 8 days since last receiving red cells, and he has been taking the blood only because he is borderline on counts and we have a set appointment.  More of a safe than sorry attitude, although the elevated ferratin is the other side of the coin......
  • His ferratin level (iron from transfusions) is still very high.  No discussion of starting the Exjade.
  • Platelets were 58, up about 10% over the past few days.
  • WBCs took a BIG jump today, hitting 1.8, with ANCs of 1.1.  That is great!
  • Here's a biggie.....the nurses at Christ told him today that his blood type is now changing to Mary's, just in time for Halloween....creepy medical science!!!  When they "i.d.'d " the blood (two nurse safety precaution) today, Steve caught it when they read, "patient is A+, donor is O-"  They also told him the head of Christ Hospital's blood bank was ALL OVER IT.   Thanks, Kim S., for having our backs on this one!  And Happy Birthday to you, too!
Steve, my Mom and I were able to attend Kevin's Fall Band Concert this evening.  It's the first time we've done anything like that in ages.  Had the sweet parking spot at the middle school, love that car placard.   He was really, really tired.  No nap, and sitting from 11 to almost 9, but he did it!  Goodnight!


  1. Y-E-A-H!! Great news...keep it coming!!

  2. Great news!!! Obviously, Steve's No. 1 Home Nurse and cheerleader (that's you, Sue) is doing everything right!!
