Monday, September 6, 2010

Clearance From the Tower

Today's labs show marked improvement:  WBCs at 1.7, up from 1.1 yesterday.  ANCs up to 1.1 from 0.9.

They will give him his anti-pneumonia inhalation treatment (Pentamidine) at 1, and then he is free to go home.  Some discussion about yesterday's allergic reaction to platelets, so he is now taking pre-meds ahead of products.  Northwestern will be consulting with Dr. Robert Stein, Chief of Hematology at Christ Hospital regarding Mary's A+ blood type taking over Steve's O-.  We have a nice relationship with Christ's infusion center, and they are great to get Steve in for blood, platelets, or a quick CBC.

We are Walgreen's best customers.  Today Kevin, Megan and I will get our flu shots, pick up Steve's meds, and get a sports physical for Megan as she will be a D3 swimmer next week.  Back in the pool!!

Steve is no longer neutropenic, which takes a bit of heat off us regarding diet and general home hygiene. Let the dog hair roulez!!