Friday Night Lights
My blog is titled Friday Night Lights because I had three references to lights on my way downtown tonight. First of all, the White Sox were playing a night game, so I smiled at the bright night beacons while I thought of my Sox opener games with college friends. Steve remarked that he was lying in the dark, just looking at Trump Tower and the lit spire, and that he was absolutely too tired to do anything else. As I zipped up Columbus Drive, I noticed the black car behind me did not have on their headlights. The car pulled up next to me at the stoplight, and I let the driver know. He was thankful and I was grateful he didn't shoot me.
Things are "better" today. He is not overly lucid, and, in this state, does not communicate too well. He mentioned that his b/p was elevated at some times today, and other times not so much. It was 124/70 tonight, which is great. He only has Tacro hanging on the IV (his anti-rejection drug), so hopefully he can get another good night's sleep. The more things hanging on the IV, the higher the risk of one of those darned machines beeeeeeeep-beeeeeep-beeeeeeping in the night!
He asked me to bring him some snacks and beverages, even though he is NOT hungry and NOT eating. And he doesn't care. I got to NW at 8:30 and left at 10:15. Got him to eat a bit of watermelon and a "Donette." He was also very thirsty and drank quite a bit of water. He has a large cooler in the room, I fetched some ice and got everything cold again. He has fruit, Pepsi, and Gatorade. I wonder a lot how long it will take him to gain weight and look "normal" again?? My guess is a very, very long time.
The BEST news of today is that Dr. Mehta paid him a visit. (Director of Stem Cell Transplant.) He said, "Steve, I am less concerned about your labs than you are. Your white cells are just lazy. We will not make a decision one way or the other to reinfuse you until Mary has been harvested. If we decide not to use the cells now, we will store them. Don't worry about not eating."
In case you are new to my blog or unaware of our crusade, please take some time to get familiar with the stem cell transplant process and how YOU, yes, YOU, could save a life!!! Be The Match!
all i got is xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo to both/all of you!