Wednesday, September 8, 2010


So he gets a call from Dr. Altman at dinnertime yesterday...his hemoglobin and platelet counts were not only low, they were dangerously low, so BACK to the hospital we went last night.

Will update later.


Friday morning ~

Steve and I went back to NW a little more than 24 hours after he got home, got to Prentice around 7 Tuesday evening.  His hemoglobin had gone down to 6.3, platelets at 6.  The platelet number was cause for alarm, as they help the blood clot.  Very low hemoglobin puts a person at risk for major medical events like heart attack and stroke, quickly, and without much success of revival if they occur.  Think about that while you are driving someone to the hospital.

We were to stay for a unit of each product, then go home.  Because he had that reaction to platelets on Sunday (see previous post), he will now be getting "washed" platelets and (washed) blood to minimize the risk of allergic reaction.  Our outpatient visit (with no extra clothes but one change for Steve) became an admission.  I left at 7:30 a.m., drove home, showered, packed the Expedition, and moved Megan to college with my Mom and Kevin.  That went very, very well, and Megan is totally thrilled with her new home in Naperville.

Wednesday and Thursday were spent pumping blood and platelets into his body, which is causing it's own set of problems.  His blood pressure became elevated, which puts him at risk for brain bleeding with low platelets.  The hemoglobin levels are okay, not stellar.  Special tests were done, and I *believe* he will be getting single-donor platelets (matched) from now on as well.  During rounding he was told the head of the blood bank is personally managing his case.  It seems Steve is a bit of a blood celebrity throughout the complex, and personally, I am happy for all the attention.

His brother Bob had driven in from Minneapolis on Wednesday afternoon and went directly to the hospital.  He stayed with Steve until Thursday afternoon, and I was grateful Steve had him there to shore up his feelings.  Bad, bad days.  A taste of freedom was exhilarating yet crushing.

Steve needed bedding, clothes, etc. so I made the trip last night and my sister met me to unload a cart full and sit with him for the evening.  He is just wiped out and so terribly thin.  He told us he did make it to the lounge and rode the stationary bike for 20 minutes (I don't understand that!); I helped him shower and get fresh clothes on, then he got into his bed and watched Brett Favre, which I know has healing powers.  We left around 8:30 and had caught him sleeping peacefully several times prior to our departure.  Platelets were up to 11 at the last CBC from 6 p.m.

Steve and Mary made a decision to begin another stem cell harvest and contacted the team.  They support this decision and Mary will take her first Neupogen shot tonight.  We have to get Steve stable and hope his numbers start coming back up.  Potassium and magnesium have also taken a dive, and his WBCs need shoring up.  Some good news is that his ANCs were pretty good.  I'm looking forward to today's numbers and some positive news.

And have I mentioned that our street has been torn up since early August? Here is today's view of my parkway as they tie in the new water main...


  1. I am so sorry to hear about this setback; pumping up the prayers for all of you. Hang on...

  2. sending positive vibes your way, steve...

  3. prayers, tears, hugs, and more prayers for all of you.

  4. the prayers and good juju are still coming your way during this setback.

  5. Thank, all. Mandi, my dear, juju is *just* what this doctor ordered!!!
