Steve had a really rough night and a bumpy start to the morning. I'm still not sure how much vomiting went on in the night, but he was definitely sick to his stomach all night and the staff was trying everything possible to make that go away. I had difficulty reaching him this morning, and was unsettled.
He was visited late this morning by our Pastor, Mike Borcherding, and our Parish Worker, Linda Bensen. They stayed for a very brief visit and Steve took communion, which I know made him feel good. Trinity Lutheran Church (Oak Lawn, IL) has been so supportive of our entire family, and we are happy to be members! Thank you, Mike and Linda, for making the trip to Northwestern.
Meg and I got to the hospital around 12:30 and left at 3:30. He was really, really out of it, sleeping soundly. He's not in any pain, the mucositis continues to improve, and it appears he may have some sense of taste. We got a bit of raspberry sherbet and a few bites of watermelon into his tummy, as well as a bit of iced tea. His nurse wanted to completely disconnect the PCA, yet he was anxious about saying goodbye to pain meds (even though he hasn't had any since Monday afternoon)...she did a fine sales job of letting him know he could still get some via his IV, so that was good.
I would imagine our visits will be short, like today, and earlier in the day as long as he is ZZZzzzzzz and not more functional. I spoke with him tonight at 7, he was awake and watching a college football game, a great sign, and said he had been up as long as 45 minutes since we left, and had chatted with his brother, Pete.
Tomorrow I want to help him shower and/or go for a brief spin in the hall, along with some more food. I think his mind is playing tricks on his stomach. The mind-body connection is in full swing.
They are now giving him two Neupogen shots a day in an attempt to get the WBC mojo in gear. His labs from the wee hours this morning were unchanged. Let's hope things start to trend up soon without making That Spleen act up again.
This chick is going to bed EARLY tonight, not at 2 a.m. like last night, GAH!!
like you said, one day at a time. glad he's getting some taste back & keeping some food down today. i couldn't believe when you said he only has gotten sick like that 3 times during this whole ordeal. i can't tell you how much i'm learning from steve's journey & i really appreciate all the details. i'm imagining that my cells are mary's cells & cheering your family on as i read every day. it's hard not knowing how my recipient is doing. so keep the updates coming! hope the neupogen works well for steve & that it doesn't contribute to his nausea. take care reppens & keep up the good work steve!