Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Turn of the Calendar, Turn of Events

Big news this morning....Steve's WBCs have popped up to 0.5.  This is the threshold number they use to start looking for the absolute neutrophil count (ANC).  Production of neutrophils = engraftment.  There was talk of Steve going home when the ANCs get to 0.5 on their own.  Neutrophils are the front-line infection-fighting white blood cells.  If your body was an arcade game, a neutrophil would be Pac-Man.   (a-whuh a-whuh a-whuh a-whuh)

He slept well last night, and his throat is better this morning.  He is drinking water pretty freely, and during rounds this morning they told him they would transition him back to pills from IV meds, specifically his preventative antibiotic, antifungal, and antibacterial pills.

Two members of the staff service were still *not in attendance* during rounds.

I'm going to make a blueberry coffeecake for the staff today, haven't made it in years, it weighs about 50 pounds and should endear me to the nurses all the more.

I think we have turned the corner!!


  1. Sue and Steve, this is just fabulous news! We'll all continue to keep you in our prayers. Thanks so much for the posts, Sue. Love you guys! ebbie

  2. Thanks, Deb. Hoping for more "ups and adds" every day.
