A rough evening for us here tonight. Emotions are running high, knowing that this last big battle is ahead, beginning early in the morning. We've all had a good talk, tears were shed, hugs all around. Fears expressed. Coffeepot set for the morn. Cars lined up in proper order on the driveway.
On a more positive and forward-moving note, we are thinking of Steve's return home as his car placard arrived from the Secretary of State. It will come in handy when he feels energetic enough to venture out to the Jewel, Lowe's...Costco...Staples...the usual hang-outs.
Our garden went in really, really late. The flowers are catching up with all this rain, heat, and sun....today I snapped a quick pic of this gorgeous zinnia, a sign of life and survival in the face of adversity. Enjoy.
Please wish us a peaceful night. And a big thank you to the inventors of Ambien and Xanax.
Kim & Family, thank you for your thoughtfulness in thinking ahead for our dinner tomorrow.
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