Friday, August 13, 2010

Mid-Day ~ Day Zeeeerowwww

Steve has been up and about this morning, looking forward to the transplant this afternoon.  Walking, working out on the bike, and hanging out in the lounge.  His hemoglobin went up to 8.8 without having any red cells hung since Wednesday, which is good and also interesting.  He was told during rounds that he can expect to be "pretty much out of it" for the next few days; there is some component of the stem cell "recipe" that will keep him down, as well as the anti-rejection drugs.  Northwestern told us in advance of this face-plant, so we are glad to know it's normal.

He is also... WHAT?...growing some sort of facial hair design.  Not quite a Fu, not quite an old school Tom Selleck....but a rather fancy thang.  It's bugging him, so I've been summoned to fetch the razor.  I'll bring the electric one since his platelets will be very low, and platelets are involved in clotting.  I would hate to see this headline:  "Man dies from shaving after surviving leukemia and stem cell transplant!"  He also wants a Jimmy John's #4, no sprouts, and a plum.  If I can get a picture without starting World War 3, I'll do it!! 

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